Am I ready to leave school?

Am I ready to leave school?

URL: /staff/pages/setup/am-i-ready.php

Students are taken through a list of questions to determine whether they are ready to leave school. This part of the programme gets students thinking about what they have done and what they still need to do before they leave.

You can choose which year levels you would like to see each question, therefore allowing you to customise the programme and giving you the option to add further questions as the students mature. 

NOTE: We recommend this page for seniors.

You can edit all of these questions to suit your students.  When you click on “Am I ready to leave school?” you will find a list labelled “Am I ready? Setup Options”.

You can edit the existing questions or add new ones.

If you want to add a new question, click the “New Question” button. Then a pop up window will open. It will have 6 sections: Select Years, Show/Hide, Sort Order, Question Name, Question Group and Question Options (-ie answers to the questions, such as Yes/No)

Questions Group is a drop down that you associate to the question. It will be the start of the question (ie-"Do you Have:" or "If you are going on to further study".

Answer Options are the answers that are available to the students (-ie Yes/No) If you do not require an answer uncheck the box of that answer. You can add Question Options allows you to add extra answers to the question. (perhaps they need extra answer options for the stage of license they are at eg- restricted or full)

Once all details are filled in, ensure that you submit changes.