Information for students and caregivers.

Information for students and caregivers.

Our school is using Career Central to assist with delivering quality career education to our students. Career Central allows us to provide personalised career planning for every student as well as allowing the school to keep track of and manage student's career interests and intentions.

Students can log in at cc.school.nz 

They will be asked to think about their skills, interests, values, and goals. Students can search for job information (including any subjects they might need to take at school) and save any jobs that interest them. The job pages also contain interesting videos and links to job vacancies on TradeMe. Career Central includes a course finder so students can browse for and save tertiary courses that interest them and get further information about what is required. The programme also includes a CV builder, career assessments, links to other useful websites and the ability to have their employability skills endorsed by staff. 

We all know the world of work is changing and young people today will not only change jobs more frequently, but they will also have jobs that don't yet exist. Our goal is to equip students with an understanding of the skills they have, a belief that they can develop new skills and an understanding of the portable or transferable nature of their skills so that they can manage their careers and make informed career decisions throughout their lives.

As parents and caregivers, you have a major influence on a young person's decisions. We have put together the following Informaiton which we hope you find useful


The links below provide tips and suggestions for assisting young people with study and career decisions.

  1. Tips for helping young people with study and career decisions
  2. Helping young people make a career decisions

If you have any questions about career education in general or Career Central please don't hesitate to contact your schools careers departments