Main Screen

Main Screen

Once you are logged in, you will come to the main screen.  You should complete steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. On the main screen you can also check our the links on the resource page, message a careers advisor, book an interview and see your interview notes, check for events you have been invited to and make requests.

Step one: Enter your contact details and make sure you verify both your phone number and e-mail. this means you can be sent careers information which is relevant to you. If you are not asked to put in your cellphone number then your careers advisor is only going to email you. make sure your email address is up to date and verified.

Step two: About Me: Enter your skills/strengths, personal qualities, career values, interests and any other information requested. It is important that you think about these things before you begin investigating jobs which might suit you. If you can work in an area which suits you then you are much more likely to have job satisfaction.

Step three: Job Bank: Search for jobs, see if the job suits you and then add it to your jobs bank. If you know the name of a job you are interested in then click Search Jobs. If you are not sure then search under Industries you are interested in or Vocational Pathways you do well in. Once you click on a job you will get quite a bit of information about it. Read through this information and then click on “does this job suit me” and answer 5 questions  to see if it is really something you are suited to. If you click “Bank this Job” you are showing you are interested in the job and saving it for later. Your Careers Advisor will also be able to see that this is a job you are interested in.

Step four: Next Steps: Putting your plans into action. In this section you will see pages related to your future. Fill in the information required and think about how you are going to put your plans into action!

Make sure you keep your profile updated.