
A couple of really important notes: Once Students have begun selecting subjects, don’t rename the subjects in this screen, or change the subject’s export codes.

Only enter in the ‘Custom Code’ if you are setting up complex subjects (eg students must select one Science from a range of options but no more than two). This option will appear before the rest of the subjects are shown to students.

To set up Custom Subjects, scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will see a heading "custom subject requirements" and click on "new requirement".

Write in a code word eg Y11SCIENCE15 (year 11 science set up in 2015) 

Select the year level

Select the minimum number of subjects the student must choose as well as the maximum number.

Write a short message for students to see.

Once the custom subject requirements are set you need to add the custom code to your subject page. Make sure it is exactly the same code that you set as the code word.

You can set up more than one custom code. Eg in some schools students need to choose a subject from each faculty. Or choose 2 Arts, 2 Technology and 1 language subject.